LederExpo by Nico Uytterhaegen is specialised in leatherskins and accessories for leather craftmenship. Everyone is welcome to visit us. We offer a wide range of vegetable tanned skins as well as a big variety of the latest leathertrends on the market. At LederExpo we provide the most recent leather developments from Italy for various applications (such as bags, belts, shoes, clothing, sadlery, furniture…). We also stock all necessary accessories for leather craftmenship (such as tools, leatherpaint, treats,…) to help you create a finished product.
Thanks to our trading division, we are able to provide a constant variety of new items at democratic prices.
During the opening hours and by appointment Nico Uytterhaegen will be pleased to help you with your leatherselection or technical questions thanks to the 20 years of experience with design and production of leathergoods.
Meilegemstraat 66-68
9630 Zwalm
Opening hours
Sun & Mon & Tues: closed
Wed: 14u00 – 18u00
Thurs: 14u00 – 18:00
Friday: 11u00 – 18u00
Saturday: 10u00 – 16u00
Dear Customer, LederExpo is open between Christmas and New Year. Happy Holidays!
How to contact
You can call LederExpo at :
All your other questions and comments can be send to us by using the contact form below.